Sunday, September 20, 2009

Consult: Dream Interpreter

Someone used my deodorant. And I was pissed. I mean, royally, royally, pissed.


  1. Oh my. That's very odd, and annoying. Who would possibly do that? And why??

  2. Dream translation: someone is using/taking something of yours that is your property/territory that is normally not shared, and when you find out, you're very very upset. On the other hand, it could be the opposite -- you don't give a shit someone takes something of yours that one normally shoudl not take.

  3. Maybe my unconscious world got confused with the *many* times that Selena snatches personal hygienic belongings that don't, in fact, belong to her. Ughhhhh razors and monistat applicators...

  4. I think you secretly miss living with your siblings, sharing all kinds of stuff that one should only share with a family member. TMI, J!

  5. I never had monistat, for the record.
