Monday, May 30, 2011

Final Farewell

I've lacked access to a proper computer moreso than I'd prefer, but maybe it's just as well, so that I'm not bogging down the facecrook lines of The Philippines, or my head, for that matter.

I'd been spending more time meeting other family members still.  Lola Nini is really proud to introduce relatives from overseas.  I think one day, I went to seven different relatives' homes within two hours.  This was after about 3 days of the same activity, with meeting new family members each time.

I spent a day touring Manila with Tita Marlen and Jonathan, who are here from the States for a few years while Tita Marlen finishes nursing school.  On this day, I learned the most about Filipino history while exploring Intramuros with them.

The past week, I've been getting to know cousins on my Lolo's side of the family.  Roxie (Tito Noel's fifth and last child) and I went to Puerto Galera for the day and night.  We hired a tricycle driver for the day, who brought us to Tamaraw Falls where we jumped off the cliffs of the waterfall and took photos with the Filipino boys who always, no matter where we went, insisted that they get a chance to take a photo with a foreigner.

Our trike driver, Medell, then took us to a cockfight, per my request.  We did not place any bets, but the experience of hearing the betting and hustling alone is more than enough.  It's deafening.  Roxie and I were two of three women there, with the first being an owner of one of the soon-to-be-defeated-or-stitched-up cocks.  We stayed for two fights, which had ensued very quickly, as Kuya Medell was fetching us soon to head to the bay for snorkeling.  This was, hands down, my favorite activity.  We were at times, probably four feet away from the coral reefs, swordfish, sea urchins, and starfish.  This proximity made it very easy for one who gets a little water-anxious to remember to JUST FLOAT, as I kicked some coral right in the nuts.  The wound is still healing.

I've already got a list of places I need to either return to, or just see, or hopefully recommend to my siblings if they get the chance to come here.  Eric (Tito Noels' fourth child, and only son) and I bussed to Tagatay this morning.  It requires more than a day trip.  It's two to three hours by bus from Manila to this mountain city.  Perhaps every point in this town has the awesome views that I had been looking for the entire trip.  Something as simple as sitting at an anonymous international coffee chain reading about the climate-induced genocide of the bangus becomes the most breath-taking activity, as you're surrounded by mountains, sky, and the volcano impregnated Lake Taal.  I want to own property here.

My flight departs in five hours, at the ripe time of 6 am, which means that I am not sleeping tonight.  I'll have the next 18 hours to do so until I reach Detroit.  This flight itinerary is ungodly, with only one layover in between Manila and Pittsburgh. 

I've grown quite fond of the family that I have here, and look forward to a return trip at some unknown point in the future.  I have surprised myself the most, throughout the entire past two weeks, in learning that I like both (1) cockfights and (2) using the tabo.  And I'm not ashamed to admit either.

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