Most darling bathroom in the history of bathrooms: The Zenith. Be sure to enter the one on your left.
Chocolate Ricotta Torte. Recipe compliments of my sweet cuz Lorelei:
I was introduced to the most amazing eating establishment this past weekend. It involved a vegetarian brunch buffet. BUFFET! All the richest, most delicious cakes, salads, and tea one could ever want. The bathroom wasn't too shabby either...
My friend DJ came to visit me! She's my first visitor from back home. We indulged in a little IKEA shopping spree. Spent lots and lotsa dough on needless household furnishings, all her influence.
Please try the above-linked recipe for a chocolate ricotta torte! It's so easy and scrumptious. Brought it to a friend's BBQ on Sunday. Should have made an extra and designated it for my apartment. Dang.
My friend DJ came to visit me! She's my first visitor from back home. We indulged in a little IKEA shopping spree. Spent lots and lotsa dough on needless household furnishings, all her influence.
Please try the above-linked recipe for a chocolate ricotta torte! It's so easy and scrumptious. Brought it to a friend's BBQ on Sunday. Should have made an extra and designated it for my apartment. Dang.