Friday, May 8, 2009

Bright Lights, Steel City

I am in Pittsburgh. I like it. Kind of.

Finally got cable today and hooked up to the internet MYSELF! That's right, I didn't even need to make one customer service phone call to my mom. Perhaps
I should be working for Comcast. Ha.

Seems my "first" possessions that I acquired back in Ohio haven't boded well for me thus far.

My first:
china set, I wrapped back up and will give to my brother. Too many bowls and saucers to count.
piece of furniture, a big bulky TV cabinet, I put out in the yard in front of my apartment. Didn't fit.
appliance, a second-hand electric mixer, I forgot at home in G town.

Which leaves me I need all this junk I brought with me in the first place?


  1. where in pittsburgh are you? that city is pretty sweet.

  2. In Shadyside. It's a nice area, being that I seem to be in a pretty prime location to reach such perks as neat shops, Little Italy, community herb gardens, libraries, and grocery stores galore!! Except the other day I was out for a jog and happened upon the most g-h-e-t-t-o area ever. Just up my street. Poo.
