Saturday, February 6, 2010

Adventures, Adventures

Prior to moving to Pittsburgh, I was told by several people that Pgh never ever ever gets snow. Seemed preposterous to me, as my hometown is only 3 hours away, and the weather is generally pretty comparable. "It hardly snows," they said. "Only two inches a year," they said. "Just gray skies," they said. Well. Last night dumped about a foot and a half on us and we are stranded here, much further away from the airport than I'd like to be. Without an egg in the house to bake a cake.

No big deal though. There are movies to watch, banjos to play, and cats to scratch.

We'll fly out tomorrow instead, with a one hour layover in Philly until we reach London town. And. AND. I'll get reunited with a Mister Tariq Patel from my old Chitwan haunts!


  1. Cats?
    It'll all work out, I'm sure. Have a great trip.

  2. Jon's cat!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks maj! Hope Cali is treating yinz well and that the rain stops long enough for the sun to peak through :)
