Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bloody 'ell, it's sheep!!!

We made it here!!! Aside from the short (~28 hour) delay post-Pgh Snowmageddon, we are intact. Monday morning we arrived to Trafalgar Square and found our hotel. We've been roughing it with pint stops (the n in pint is intentional) roughly every two hours. It's the company I'm with, not me. I'm not sure this is my preferred type of trip. We're (there's 5 of us total) doing slight sightseeing and eating a helluvalotta fried foods.

Best finds thus far:
Lincolnshire pork sausage
Guinness, cask-style
Tesco sandwiches
Digestives!!!!! (actually not a new find)
Space Raiders
Chicken Tikka bits

Ya know, here's something I found. The Trusty LP states that London isn't a bad town to be in if you're a vegetarian (we've got two of 'em in tow). I find that to be semi true. You must must must like Indian food. The McDonalds has a chicken tikka masala wrap. Ahhhh to be at home in Nepal in London.

We're currently in transit to Edinburgh. Funniest notes/central themes of train trip:

nuclear power plants
nuclear power plants
see above

That's the jist of this 4 hours ride. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Unsure of what the next few days will bring. It's pretty fly-by, as far as plan-making goes. I know that a soul night, whisky trail, and haggis haggis haggis will be involved.

Maybe this trip will cause headcheese to be a staple in my little apartment refrigerator.

See ya later, Mom.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm ... I guess you like our kind of trips better, you know, like the canoe trip to nowhere!

    Now why do you think only Mom reads your blog??? I'm sure you have lots of fans :-)


