Monday, March 9, 2009

Alive and Super Well

Hello gang. I made it. On my own. With no problems. Except I almost missed my flight to Delhi, but that's besides the point. I was real scared about something malfunctioning, especially with all the mayhem Danielle experienced. I had lovely seatmates for all 4 legs of the trip here, and sat by the window each time!

During my what-would-have-been-excrutiatingly-lengthy-layover-if-I-had-not-been-permitted-to-leave-the-Heathrow-airport, I figured out what to do during my brief visit to London. Thank goodness there are security personnel/police everywhere; I had to stop them multiple times to figure out my bearings. I was able to: mind the gap, walk through Buckingham palace, view 3 demonstrations, get photographed in front of Big Ben, check out the London Eye, eat fish and chips, and tour the Natural History museum (which was freeeeeee, might I add)!

Last evening I was picked up at Tribhuvan airport, along with 2 other girls from England. We made it to the hostel. There are roughly 15 volunteers there and we eat together, sleep together, take language classes together, drink tea together...hmmm what other basic functions am I missing? They are all so friendly and I'm really having a great time with everyone.

Plans for the next several weeks changed. This week I'm starting the language classes, next week I'll go to Chitwan to save the world, and the last week before my departure I'll have a whole week to bungee jump, fly to Everest, and the like. I'm super pumped.

KTM? Overwhelming initially, indeed. People are JUST EVERYWHERE. Stray dogs, smoky smoggy air, scooters galore, ridiculous traffic. That sums up a good lot of it. The internet down the street from the hostel is cheap, but frustrating because it is so slow. Right now, I'm in Thamel, which is a pretty touristy region of KTM. Internet connection is much faster, hence, this post. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to keep up, but, family, I am okay.

Tomorrow I start the classes. So, I should be FLUENT in Nepali in a few day's time ;)



  1. yay! you're alive! both of my sisters are such travelers, but that leaves me with no sisters to talk to... :(

    a suggestion about posting: why don't you just type up what you would like to tell the world in a word/appleworks file and then copy and paste when you want too upload your blog. that way you don't have to worry as much about choppy service and can type a little more at your leisure.

    i had a TA in circuits who was named puja

  2. Jordana,
    I still can't believe your literally half way around the world!! I'm glad to hear you made it there safe and sound. :)

    London sounded pretty awesome. It was probably nice to be able to stretch your legs after that short little flight.

    Fluent? Definitely. I've signed you up to teach it at the college online starting in May. :-p

    Take care!


  3. People everywhere? Be sure to watch the pick-pockets! Sounds like things are going fantastically well!

  4. Fluent in a few days? Mabrouk, yaa Jordana (=goodluck, Jordana)!

  5. Thanks everyone! Still doing well!

    Selena, I can't use my computer here. No Wifi. And I don't have a USB drive. Can probably get one here, but it might be a little shady. Everything here is shady. Also, no power to charge my belongings.
