Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy Holiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

Still getting along. Even with all the smog clogging my nose. Luckily, I haven't been stuck with any maladies during my first 5 days here. Quite a lot of kids here (other volunteers) have been ill. Stomach problems, tonsilitis, colds...but no malaria yet!! Yay!!

Tuesday was Holi, the Festival of Colours. It celebrates the monsoon season, which is not until the summer. Kids and adults all over throw hand made water bombs at each other. Probably the only time that activities of this calibur would not be considered assault. Although, I must mention, I was pegged pretty good square in the back twice in a row from a little twerp who was standing about 3 feet away from me. Cheap shot. This water is colored with tika (powder for the little markings on Hindus' foreheads) dye. Hot pink, mustard yellow, puke green, cerulean blue. It's really quite amazing. Chris, thanks for the Tide, which my roomies and I used to get all the smut out of our clothing the next morning.

Today we went to Swayambu (Monkey) Temple, Pashupatinath (where all those crazy doped out sadhus reside) Temple, and Boudha Temple, which is a World Heritage Site, and is speculated to be the first Buddhist temple in the area. The other kids and I had great fun.

It's a little difficult to pick up the Nepali, but I know bits and pieces. Today our teacher went with us on our sightseeing tour, so he quizzed us a bit. Tomorrow, we have language again in the AM and then we're off to Chobar after lunch!!

PS. It's a little difficult to post photos, but I will do so when I figure out how and can commit enough time in these darned internet cafes!!


  1. ha! did you notice the 3 guys totally trying to be in your picture in the background?

  2. Did you see how many people were on rooftops and balconies?

    You look pretty dirty :-0 And you probably only brought two shirts and two pairs of pants because your traveling sister in Morocco told you to bring less than you would!

  3. Jord! So why did the plans change for when you were going to be exploring? Its probably for the better, that way you can be all versed in the Nepal culture! That water balloon fight sounds pretty fun :) And that's cool that you like all the people in your class too!

  4. Jordana,

    Have a great time there. I will be keeping tabs... really good to see you doing so well,

    David Steed

  5. Thanks everyone!! I was indeed a dirty little girl that day. Kels, plans changed because this organization is sweet and lets you do whatever you want. There's supposed to be another nurse from the US coming today, but I've spent the day in Thamel shopping and haven't made it back to the hostel yet. And David Steed, how the family misses you!

  6. "Kids and adults all over throw hand made water bombs at each other."
    Haha that sounds awesome!
    I am planning to buy a ton of water balloons to throw next time dumb drunk kids outside my bedroom window are too loud at 4am to let me go to sleep. I'm waging war, man! Should be fun :P
